Saturday, April 7, 2007

Hey Kiddos!

Hey Kiddos! my weekend is going pretty good i went to the mall today and barnes and nobles and I was so happy to see that they had Christian books!! That made me very happy : ] None of which i could afford unfortunately but thats ok : ]. I have been watching Cartoons all day because Mr.Allen let me borrow his DVD of cartoons, Looney Toons which i thought was awesome! (thanks Mr.Allen) I am so physched about tomorrow!! I feel like God is going to do something so big through all of us. I have been praying for the past couple of days for God to do something through me that He would get glory from and everyone would know it would be Him and not me because I could never do such a thing! I think God is going to work through all of us on Sunday morning and I'm praying that is He does so we can reach the lost and help them find Him!! God can do it if we move out of the way and let Him work and that is what I believe is going to happen in our church on Sunday Morning I'm so EXCITED!!! Well I hope everyone enjoyed their weeks this week and have an awesome weekend, remember move out tha way cause God's coming and He wants to use you ya just gotta let him!!!
Much Love


Crystal said...

love your blog ashlay runyannn haha. i know God is going to use us Sunday for his Glory. and i cant wait to see him speak through Pastor Chad to all the lost :]
ily girl

Allen said...

I like your blog. I like even more the work you and your sister are doing for the kingdom. Keep the faith and stand strong - God has your back and so do I. Can't wait til Wednesday to hear what God is doing in your life this week.

Rach said...

Ashley!! my loving twin!! I believe God has great things in store for you and I can't wait to see what they are!! Well Have a great day!! stay sweet, which shouldn't be a problem for you!! Love ya!!

Robbie said...

Welcome to the world of checking more than your email every day!
Thanks for sharing that hymn Sunday!